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I Leapt To Your Defense, Sweetie.

Fearless Ally: I-Leapt-To-Your-Defense with Vigilant Valor

Last night friends came over to “help” us drink our old library wines before we move and I got into a heated discussion with my girlfriend.

She asked how our business, Personal Life Media, is doing.

I was telling her how we focus on helping men like you create more intimacy and passion in your relationship and she poo-pooed my explanation.

“C’mon! All guys want is sex. They don’t care about intimacy,” said Katherine.

I leapt to your defense, Sweetie.

“Not true!,” I said. “Men crave connection and passion and intimacy as much as women.”

She expressed her cynicism but I would not back down.

“Hundreds of men have shared the most private details of their sex lives with me. I’ve talked to more men than many therapists with 20-year busy practices,” I explained.

My friend Alex Allman says,

“Deeply connected intimacy is the most powerful experience a couple can share.
It’s what bonds humans, and it’s the source of passion and pleasure that lasts long-term and gives relationships vitality and sweetness over years and years.”

He’s put together a must-watch video that explainshow to help her achieve a more powerful emotionally aroused and connected state.

Emotionally Arouse and Connect Her<=== Must Watch Video

In fact, in Alex survey of thousands of men discussing their deepest desires, he found that what men REALLY want is a woman who makes him feel at ease and comfortable with his sexual desires by being comfortable with her own body and sexuality.

If you just apply a few simple ideas that he teaches, you could skip all the nonsense and insecurities that plague most men and women around sex, and just start having FUN…

While enjoying the most intense, connected, intimate, and powerful orgasms imaginable.

The crazy part is that it’s actually easy to do when you stop focusing on all the wrong things.

Check out the video here… ===> WATCH NOW

Once you learn how to make it safe for her, she’ll surrender to her body’s wisdom and desire.

Have Soulful Connection.

P.S. For a limited time, Adam’s letting me give you the interview we did for his “Ignite the Spark” tele-summit without paying. Grab it, sweet cheeks!

“How To Get Her To Consistently Say Yes To You”<=== Free Download

With love,
Susan Bratton

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